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Silding Window

Hollow Metal/Stainless Steel Series

Bullet Resistant Glass Office
Bullet and Blast Resistant Office
Bullet Resistant Glass shop

Model – BR 150A



bubbled number showing the UL 752 rating
bubbled number showing the UL 752 rating
bubbled number showing the UL 752 rating
bubbled number showing the UL 752 rating
bubbled number showing the UL 752 rating
bubbled number showing the UL 752 rating
bubbled number showing the UL 752 rating
bubbled number showing the UL 752 rating

This is a great place to write out any awards, certifications, verifiable materials, or any other proof regarding the quality of the product. This is a great place to write out any awards, certifications, verifiable materials, or any other proof regarding the quality.


Tell visitors a little bit more about the above and offer a link to learn more, if applicable. Tell visitors a little bit more about the above and offer a link to learn more, if applicable.

Link To Learn More

"Write a testimonial here that's relevant to the product, or include a quote that suits the page well."

- John Smith, Owner of Company.

Key Features

  • Level I Bullet Resistant

  • Medium Level Blast

  • Air Infiltration - ASTM E 283 (6.24 PSF, 50 mph)

  • Water Resistance - ASTM E 331 (WTP=14 PSF)

  • Structural Load - ASTM E 330 (105 PSF positive & negative)

  • Aluminum Construction

HM Sliding Window_section_COMP_remove-bg
  • Custom Built Sizes

  • Standard Finish - Clear Anodize and Dark Bronze Anodiize

  • Painted Finishes Availiable

  • Curtain Wall Construction

  • Frame Profile 2 1/2' x 7 1/2"

  • Comes Complete with Gasket and Setting Blocks


UL Red Color logo
white ASTM logo with link to
GSA Advantage_Color_only_2020
ECO logo in round shape

Ratings Of Bullet-Resisting Materials

Sample Chart Only.

Additional Product Details

​This section can be used for any additional product information that does not fall into any other sections. The text can be displayed at full width for simplicity, or with an image to the right.


Other product details include:

  • Water Resistance - ASTM E 331 (WTP=14 PSF)

  • Structural Load - ASTM E 330 (105 PSF positive & negative)

  • Aluminum Construction

HM Sliding Window - remove BG
Verified sign image

Additional Product Details

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Write a short paragraph about or product that may be similar to the current product on the page. Write a short paragraph about or product that may be similar to the current product on the page. Write a short paragraph about or product that may be similar to the current product on the page. 



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Corporate Office

263 Union Blvd.

West Islip, NY 11795


Tel: 631-422-0888


To apply for a job with Action Bullet, please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to:

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